Comfort Alarm Control Via the Web

I have recently had a live demonstration of the up-and-coming Comfort Web InterfACE and it is very impressive…

CHC Comfort Home Controls (Comfort ) have jointly developed the software , a version of Dan Hoehnen’s Ace Product, to control their alarm panel via IP over a LAN or WAN. Comfort users will be pleased to hear that the software produces the HTML for the InterfACE by looking at the .csx file belonging to their system.  It is envisaged that with the use of a “Wizard” the software will be able to prepare the InterfACE with the minimum of intervention by the user. However, at the same time, it will offer a degree of customisation as the user will choose what elements he wants shown on the web.

You will be able to watch CCTV pictures live from your house, switch which camera you want to use, arm and dis-arm, control X10 lights and appliances, send IR, pulse relays etc etc  Click here to see more screens (ACE)

With the very affordable 24/7 Internet access packages appearing in the last few months it will be easy to have your home status just a click away. For those with one line there will be a simple way of phoning into Comfort and getting it to dial onto the Net after you issue it the appropriate command from the voice prompted menus and hang-up.

The best news is you won’t have to wait long for the Comfort Web InterfACE as it is due for release sometime in 3rd quarter of this year. Comfort users watch this space!

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