Harmony v5.1

The latest version of the UK based home automation software “Harmony” has just been release by iDomus…

“Christmas has come early for users of home automation software. iDomus, the home automation software developer that brought us Harmony 5 is releasing the long awaited latest version of their home automation software, Harmony v5.1. An army of beta testers have wadded through the trial version, flagging issues and suggesting fixes, which has all resulted in the most comprehensive piece of home automation software to hit the market. No longer do the customers of this technology need to be disappointed, no longer do they need to rage war against a monitor, finally, the clouds have parted, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, welcome to Harmony.

Harmony v5.1, the glue of home automation, will offer a total solution for everyone bringing their home together onto one screen. A lot has been addressed and improved from its predecessor Harmony v5, the software has been adapted and enhanced to offer the user a more intimate and friendly user friendly capability.

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iDomus only sell products through authorised resellers, this allows us to maintain our high customer services levels. To purchase this product please visit www.simplyautomate.co.uk

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